Ohio Obituaries

 All requests for obituaries, newspaper articles, & other research assistance should be made to:

 Wood County Genealogical Society - 1st floor, Wood County Courthouse
P.O. Box 722, Bowling Green, OH 43402
Phone: (419) 354-9557
Open: Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Charges are $2.00 for each copied page.

Ohio Obituary Index - The obituary indices from WCDPL and the BGSU Center for Archival Collections have been merged into the Hayes Presidential library obituary database to become the Ohio Obituary Index.

Sentinel-Tribune Obituaries online - Locate current obituaries and articles from the newspaper

Toledo Blade Obituaries online, from the Toledo Blade - Locate current obituaries from the Toledo Blade.

Toledo Blade Obituaries, from the Toledo Lucas County Public Library - Toledo area obituaries from 1970 to present.

Ohio Online Death Indices, Records, and Obituaries - An online resource for finding obituaries, cemetery burials, and death records.

Source URL: https://www.wcdpl.org/Obituaries