Test Proctoring


Guidelines for Test-takers and Testing Institutions

Test proctoring is offered at WCDPL through the Information Services Department. Tests are not proctored on Sundays, or at times when two staff members are not available to work at the Information Desk.


  • The student is responsible for any faxing or postage fees necessary to return the test to the institution.  WCDPL will notify the student/test-taker of these fees prior to scheduling the test.
  • Proctored exams are NOT administered under the direct supervision of library staff and staff are unable to visually monitor the student for the duration of the exam.
  • WCDPL reserves the right to cancel or change the date of any proctored test. (Examples: inclement weather, computer malfunction, building evacuation, etc.).
  • WCDPL provides for make-up test dates in the event of test cancellation due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances. 
  • WCDPL cannot assume responsibility for completed exams not received by the testing institution.
  • Due to legal and ethical matters, reference staff will not sign a proctoring statement that attests to more than they are able to do.
  • WCDPL will not provide personal information for any of the proctors, such as driver’s license numbers, home phone numbers or addresses.

Testing Institution Responsibilities:

  • The institution providing the test must contact WCDPL with the student information, test guidelines, test completion dates, and test return procedures.
  • A stamped, self-addressed envelope should be provided by either the test-taker or the institution for test return. The library cannot arrange for FedEx or UPS delivery of test material.
  • The institution should supply an expiration date after which the exam should be shredded. Otherwise, the default time for destroying the test is three months from receipt of test.
  • The test should be sent as an attachment by email to woodref@wcdpl.org or through standard mail to:

                   Information Services Dept. / Proctoring Service
                   Wood County District Public Library
                   251 N. Main St.
                   Bowling Green, OH 43402

  • WCDPL staff will print and securely store the test until the test date.

Test-taker Responsibilities:

  • The test-taker is responsible for contacting WCDPL and setting up the test date.
  • The test-taker must supply all items (calculators, pencils, etc.) necessary to complete the test.
  • Computerized tests can be accommodated at the Reference Internet workstations or in the TechLab, as long as test-takers understand there will some degree of noise and activity surrounding them.

For more information, contact the Information Services Department at woodref@wcdpl.org or (419) 352-5104.

Source URL: https://www.wcdpl.org/content/test-proctoring-0