WCDPL Book Discussions offer something for every reading taste. Instructions for obtaining copies of selections may be found on the library's online calendar and through announcements in the library's weekly informational email, Weekly Updates from WCDPL.
Page to Table
Mondays | 6:30 pm | The Carter House
Foodies rejoice: join Page to Table to checkout a cookbook, prepare a dish to share, and come to discuss what worked, what didn't, and more! Plates, utensils, and cups are provided.
- February 24 - The Feel Good Foodie by Yumna Jawad
- March 24 - Local History Cookbooks (any cookbook or recipe from Northwest Ohio)
- April 28 - Taste of Home: What Can I Bring? 360+ Dishes for Parties, Picnics & Potlucks
- May 19 - Indulge by Valeria Bertinelli
- June 23 - Noom Kitchen: 100 Healthy, Delicious, Flexible Recipes for Every Day by Adeena Sussman
It's a Mystery Book Discussion
Mondays | 6:00 pm | Meeting Room at the Walbridge Library
If you enjoy a good mystery, we have the book club for you! Join Our It’s a Mystery Book Club to discuss a new mystery title every month.
- February 24 - Hiss of Death by Rita Mae Brown
- March 24 - The Heist by Janet Evanovich
- May 19 - The Curse of Penryth Hall by Jess Armstrong
- August 25 - The Last Heir to Blackwood Library by Hester Fox
- December 29 - The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill
Books with Friends Book Discussion
Thursdays | 11:00 am | 2nd Floor Meeting Room at the Bowling Green Library
In celebration of WCDPL’s 150th birthday, this book club celebrates all things libraries and books. Each month’s selection focuses on the joys and adventures brought about by reading.
February 20 - Cradles of the Reich by Jennifer Coburn
March 20 - The Secret Diaries of Charles Ignatius Sancho by Paterson Joseph
April 17 - The Secret Lives of Booksellers & Librarians by James Patterson & Matt Eversmann
May 15 - What You are Looking for is the Library by Michiko Aoyama
August 21 - The Underground Library by Jennifer Ryan
September 18 - The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
October 16 - The Library Book by Susan Orlean
November 13 - The Department of Rare Books & Special Collections by Eva Jurczyk
Area book clubs: need books for your group? Contact the Information Desk.